Monday, September 1, 2008

Clues for the real title of MbM

I have sent SMSs with clues for the real title of the film to a select few, who I thought were cluey enough (pardon the pun) to work things out. Alas, I underestimated my encryption powers. To make it easier, thought of posting all the clues collectively

It is a two word title
On offer a bottle of champagne to the one who gets the closest.

The Clues:
A compass won’t help you as much as a key
People come to watch
The eyes need it
Mallet and chisel build it in vaulted stones

Bon chance!

1 comment:

  1. Good guess - but no teddy bear...keep trying - you should post this so the others know where not to look...

    On 9/1/08, Chris Hilton-Wood wrote:
    Key Stone? just a primary guess - just emailing you so I don't give anyone any ideas - very mean but I like Champagne lol CHW
